Terms and rules

Forum Rules

It is assumed that all members have read and accepted the rules. Being a new member or not being aware of the rules is not a valid reason to violate the rules. The rule list is updated periodically and members should review the rule list periodically.

    • The person who wrote the messages in the forum is fully responsible. The Metin2Hub.com forum or its administrators do not accept any responsibility for what individuals write.
    • Any message that violates international laws, treaties and regulations cannot be posted on the forum.
    • It is not allowed to write provocative and humiliating articles about communities. (For example: Turkish, Kurdish, Armenian, Jewish, Circassian, Black, Indian, Arab, Gypsy, Roman, Russian, Immigrant.)
    • It is forbidden to send threatening, abusive, anti-customary or hateful messages.
    • It is forbidden to send messages and use materials against religion, language and race discrimination.
    • It is forbidden to belittle the forum, forum administrators and users.
    • It is forbidden to ask your site to be visited in the forum and to advertise your site.
    • It is forbidden to share content such as crack, mp3, warez that contains copyright infringement.
    • Since it causes problems in the forum database, membership deletion is not done under any circumstances, those who wish can request and ban their membership.
    • It is forbidden to share files that can infiltrate or harm other computers, such as viruses, trojans,
    • It is forbidden to open topics that violate the privacy of private life, (posting photos without the consent of the person, etc.)
    • Some sections may have different rules specific to them. Members are obliged to comply with these rules,
    • Even if it is not written in the forum rules, the forum management can use their own initiative and impose sanctions in certain situations,
    • Metin2Hub.com Reserves The Right To Change The Forum Rules. Forum Rules are Effective as of Change.
    • The message owners are primarily responsible for the messages sent to the forum. Forum administrators cannot be held responsible for the messages or topics of others. However, in case of any complaint due to legal reasons, the relevant regulation will be made if the authorities are informed.
    • Posting any illegal content on the forum is strictly prohibited. Illegal software warez, null, crack, serial etc. and music mp3, video clip, etc. members' accounts are deactivated.
      The right to delete, edit, move or preserve messages without explanation belongs entirely to the administration.
    • Members must be respectful to each other and to the authorities. In no part of the forum, including the private messaging system, general moral rules cannot be violated, and others cannot be disturbed. Rudeness, hurtful expressions and personal attacks will not be tolerated when dealing with topics and messages. It is strictly forbidden to upset people with malicious intent.
    • All users who are members of the site automatically gain access to all sections within the limits of their authority (except for user sections such as specially limited admin and vip!).
    • The size of the pictures used in signatures and avatars It is forbidden to use any provocative, insulting or similar graphics, pictures!
    • Giving personal information of others is prohibited. (such as address, phone number, account information)
    • Before a new topic is opened, a "Search" should be made in the forum in order to understand whether that topic has been opened before. Each topic should be opened in the relevant forum category.
    • It is forbidden to use any font style-color, graphic, message formatting that may complicate the readability and functionality of the forum and cause visual pollution. Please do not use titles that are all capital letters.
    • Each member can have only one account. Membership can be canceled at any time. To cancel membership, you must reach the forum administrators via private message. (In case of membership cancellation by members with more than 10 messages, due to the technical features of the site and we do not want to host garbage messages in the forum, the person's e-mail address and personal information will be deleted, his account will be disabled, his messages will be kept in the system.)
    • As a user, you agree that all information you enter will be stored in a database. This information will not be distributed to third parties without your permission, but our forum cannot be held responsible for accessing or distributing this information as a result of any attack or hacking.
    • The use of all materials against the Republic of Turkey and Islam is prohibited (Text, symbol, picture, sound file, video, flash animation...).
    • It is forbidden to engage in discussions that may cause discrimination, especially with a political or religious content.
    • Discussion in the forum is strictly prohibited. Warnings must be heeded.
    • It is forbidden to post links to forums or websites in a way that attracts attention, as if advertising. It is okay to share links in other ways.
    • Doing anything that should not be done in such an environment; It is forbidden to send messages with empty content repeatedly, unnecessarily, especially in order to increase the number of messages. You can be penalized without warning.
    • Some forums and sub-forums have their own rules or points to consider. These rules should be read before posting messages on those forums. It is recommended to browse through all pinned topics.
    • It is mandatory to indicate the source in the shared content. However, if the content is only used to advertise the resource, the content will be deleted.
  • Although forum administrators or moderators try to weed out and delete inappropriate messages by checking all posts, it may still be impossible for us to review all posts.
  • When you have doubts, want to ask or complain about the forum, use the Contact Us form instead of writing to the forum.
  • Messages and threads of members who do not comply with the rules can be deleted/moved/edited with or without warning. Despite the warnings, members who violate the rules will have their accounts canceled and removed from the site.
Metin2Hub.com Forum Rules