
  1. NesquiK

    Effects 40 different armor effects

    Hidden content İmege
  2. Not answered black armor

    could someone kindly send a pack that has this black armor? thank you!
  3. Jackszpero

    Costume Armor costume with hair /// 4 races, 4 colors

    Hello Guys! Included files: Model for all for 4 races, with 4 different .dds files for colors: red white black blue Hidden content
  4. Jackszpero

    Armors Candy Set

    Hello Guys! Today I share with you an armor set modification : Candy Armor set Examples for implementation is added to the file Hidden contentHidden content
  5. Request Ridack Armor and Weapon set 39

    Does anyone have this armor/weapon set?
  6. DoN

    Others Mega Pack -Plechito [Maps,Pet, Costume, armors..etc\

    Today I will share with you this pack from plechito.. It contains Costumes, Armours, Pets, mounts, maps, dungeons, effects... and much more I have all the respect for Plechito, he is very talented.. So if you want something that is 100% functional and clean, I recommend contacting Plechito...
  7. Viello

    Viello-[2022] Zırhlarınız Daha İyi Parıldasın ÇOK BASİT Armor Glows More Fluent Alpha Texture Metin2

    It is the work of a talented 3D artist named Tatsumuru. It is very simple to make: Userinterface/PythonaAplication.cpp enter; double g_specularSpd=0.007f; If you set this value to 0, your armor will shine only when you move, etc. Give yourself a suitable value and try it and