
  1. mmorpg_dev_hub

    [Metin2] Hiring Experienced Developers – C++ / Python / Client Modding

    📌 Introduction Hello Metin2Hub community! We at MMORPG Dev Hub are actively looking for experienced Metin2 developers to join our team! 🎮 If you have expertise in C++, Python scripting, or client modding, this is your opportunity to work on real Metin2 projects in a professional environment...
  2. FoxGames

    Not answered Special inventory c++ problem

    Hello ! Today i have a problem i can't understand... I have this on my GameType.h : #ifdef ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM const DWORD c_Belt_Inventory_Slot_Start = c_DragonSoul_Equip_End + c_DragonSoul_Equip_Reserved_Count; const DWORD c_Belt_Inventory_Width = 4; const DWORD...
  3. [Py, C++] dracaryS BlackJack game

    This kiddo won't learn how to use packets, but cmdchat and /commands are going well. I will not offer support. Feel free to use it, don't pay for these kind of codes, doesn't worth it. Hidden content
  4. Mutulic

    Autopatcher C# - By Mutulic - V0.1

    Hello Comunity, i released a free version of my autopatcher! Effortless File Verification: Utilizing cutting-edge SHA256 hash and file size verification, ensures the integrity of your files with pinpoint accuracy. Automatic Differential Updates: Say goodbye to unnecessary downloads...


  6. NesquiK

    [C++] Trivia Systems

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  7. TheBlackStar

    [C++] Coins Ingame SHOP

    Hi everone! I watch the servers, and i find one, whos use a little interesting system, so i tried to code that. The system, how they add some NPC, where you can buy items, but not for yang. Maybe for gaya, or other currency what you would to use. Here we go. At first, please make backup from the...
  8. TheBlackStar

    [C++] Automatic Re-Join Dungeon 1.0.0 | DracaryS

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  9. TheBlackStar

    [C++ / How To] GOLD BAR

    First of all: Go into length.h in common and see that you have MAX_YANG = [...] there. There you change from GOLD_MAX to MAX_YANG or as it is in your length by the amount the client is set to accept normally (depends from client to client) IMPORTANT ! USE TYPE 3 IN SQL FOR THE ITEMS ! Hidden...
  10. TheBlackStar

    [C++] Escape / Unstuck Option | Owsap

    Synchronizes the character's position with the server and can be used to free them if they get stuck. If there is no available position within the available distance, the character will be warped to the village. Hidden content Credits; Owsap i put here some fix for differents versions...
  11. TheBlackStar

    [C++] System World Chest

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  12. TheBlackStar

    [C++ / PREMIUM] Reward V2

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  13. Client Visual Animation c++ Py

    Client animation system works perfectly (I tested) I can't attach pics or video but i think you know which is this system. Virus total
  14. NesquiK

    Level Range for Metins

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  15. BMLucian

    [C++] Buff doesn't disappear when you die

    This system keeps your buff even if you die; FILE NAME: Service.h ADD: FILE NAME: Char.h SEARCH: ADD ABOVE: FILE NAME: char_affect.cpp SEARCH: ADD: FILE NAME: char_battle.cpp SEARCH: CHANGE: For the health of your servers, I don't recommend it.
  16. vila

    C ++ - Install an IP Proxy on your Game

    With this tutorial you will be able to connect to your VPS / Nat server such as Google Cloud for example Download Hidden content
  17. vila

    [C++] Auto attack system

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  18. Selcuk41

    In-Game Quick Exit System

    Hello today, I will share the in-game quick exit system with you as proof, I will add it a little later. Root/uisystem.py open Search: def __ClickExitButton(self): self.Close() net.ExitApplication() Replace: def __ClickExitButton(self): import uiCommon...