metin2 c++ system

  1. Scrapper

    Playtime Rank

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  2. Scrapper

    Catch King Event Full

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  3. TheBlackStar

    [C++] Escape / Unstuck Option | Owsap

    Synchronizes the character's position with the server and can be used to free them if they get stuck. If there is no available position within the available distance, the character will be warped to the village. Hidden content Credits; Owsap i put here some fix for differents versions...
  4. TheBlackStar

    [C++] System World Chest

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  5. Scrapper

    Costume Time Extended

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  6. Scrapper

    New Dungeon Info - Dracarys

    Gyazo Hidden content
  7. Scrapper

    Metin Spin Whell Dracarys

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  8. Scrapper

    New skill select Hidden content
  9. Scrapper

    Barbut System c++

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  10. Scrapper

    Zodiac Temple Full

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  11. Scrapper

    Acce Bonus Booster System

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  12. Scrapper

    Effect Day Type

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  13. Scrapper

    Player Banned System with log

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  14. Scrapper

    Bot Control System

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  15. Enes K.

    İkarus Offshop Grid Rework & Shop Search

    Ikarus Offline Shop and Search Glass Grid Rework Search Glass: Shop: Hidden content
  16. Enes K.

    Atlas İnformation

    only gm characters can teleport. Hidden content
  17. Enes K.

    Debug UI Window Scripts

    Q: What does it do? A: It allows you to instantly see any edits you have made to the interface without closing and opening the game. View: Hidden contentHidden contentHidden contentHidden content
  18. Enes K.

    [FİX] Troll Player Names

    thanks to this small plugin, we can add the names we specify to the blacklist. Hidden contentHidden contentHidden contentHidden content
  19. Scrapper

    Toast Notification

    <iframe src="" width="744" height="504" frameborder="0" title="2023-07-01 16-44-49.mkv" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> Hidden content
  20. Scrapper


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