
  1. yomidseven

    [RELEASE] Open Source Python AutoPatcher v1.28

    Hello, My nick is! As shown before: [ Preview ] AutoPatcher v1.0 (Python Src Fully Customizable) Today I release the updated tool There are many solutions available on the forum, but in my opinion, they tend to be too complex. I also wanted to use this opportunity to practice...
  2. MT2


    FELIXAT ONLINE // RELEASE SOURCE + FULL CLİENT+WEBPANEL+AUTOPACTHER V4.6.8 Hello friends, the content of the topic will be completed within the day. There is a great deal of work and effort. Thanks to the entire team and friends; Thanks to the admin and team for supporting these beautiful...
  3. Request Setting up environment and deploying the game

    Hello everyone, I have went thru several server files and was able to run one of them in my environment using OpenBSD. However, instead of giving all the effort to set it up locally I want to deploy the files. Amazon machines are not providing openbsd 9.3 which is required for the files I have...
  4. abigeldiler

    V3 1-99 Oldschool Server Files Full Src and Pack Key (Welberw V3)

  5. Vidra

    [PREMIUM]Serverfile Full

  6. Not answered Problem compiling Event Manager into the source

    Hello Community, I try to implement the event manager system, i did everything what standing in the files inside the archive. These errors are serverside. I am using TMP4 Files. the following errors appear if i try to compile already at db compile In file included from Cache.cpp:6...
  7. Detroit SF Someone ?

    Does anyone have the metin2mester next or nextworld2 or Detroit Server files?
  8. adnan20031s

    [C++] GM WallHack (ONLY Client source)

    Guide to Implementing GM Movement Without Collisions in Metin2 1. Modify Locale_inc.h Add the following define: Hidden content 2. Update ActorInstanceCollisionDetection.cpp Replace the following functions with their updated versions: - CActorInstance::AvoidObject Hidden content -...
  9. Jackszpero

    MartySama 5.8 with Ikarus Offline Shop

    Hello guys! I added a .vdi for the files, you can compile on it Replace the .../share/bin game and db symlink with the actual game and db file Hidden content More preview: Hidden content Localization: Hidden content Hidden content
  10. Not answered How to compile source amd64 freebsd 13.1

    Hello , it's a posibile to compile source metin2 on freebsd 13.1 amd64? And how make ?
  11. ShadowsPR0

    Not answered Help Compiling source Uthar V2 (TMP4)

    Hi, I'm trying to compile the source, it compiles successfully but throws error at the end when linking: compile questlua_speedserver.cpp compile auction_manager.cpp compile FileMonitor_FreeBSD.cpp compile ClientPackageCryptInfo.cpp compile cipher.cpp compile buff_on_attributes.cpp compile...
  12. TuRki

    File Zodiac

    Hello, I am selling this project. This project is my creation. I have been working on this project for more than a year. The idea of the project is to build an excellent infrastructure version so that you can work on it without any errors or problems. For more information about the version...
  13. TuRki

    File Zodiac

    Hello, I am selling this project. This project is my creation. I have been working on this project for more than a year. The idea of the project is to build an excellent infrastructure version so that you can work on it without any errors or problems. For more information about the version...
  14. Scrapper


    Hidden content
  15. Solved Solved

    Solved can close
  16. Server files clean for sell

    Howdy ! I put a new project up for sale. The SVF is started from a clean one (and this can be categorized as clean, it deletes the quests and that's it), it is stable. The server has: ->4 inventories ->switchbot ->4 functional channels ->bonuses page ->old world maps (implemented by me 100%) ->...
  17. SERVER FILLES CLEAN (for sell) !!!!!!!!!

    server files source clean

    Como muchos sabeis, esta base se basa en Ava2. Sin mas que hablar aqui os dejamos todo completo... Hidden contentHidden content Hidden contentHidden content SERVERFILES Hidden content Atentos cabrones!!!
  19. OsuProduction

    N2 Play Windows x64 WS Server Files Edited Version

    There are 8 languages available, including 98-99 Global TR, and 4 languages are active (tr, en, de, ro). If desired, it can also be played as TR only. There are plenty of armor and weapon costumes (including ancient costumes). Damages are completely balanced and carefully adjusted. Server-Client...
  20. kaantan

    Metin2 PVP Auto Hunt is purchased with source code.

    Metin2 PVP Auto Hunt is purchased with source code.