"First page (Forum)" :
ORIGINAL -> Announcement: In order to download VIP files, you need to UPGRADE your account.
TRANSLATION -> Annuncio: Prima di effettuare un download VIP, devi effettuare l'UPGRADE del tuo account
About Forum -> Informazioni
Forum Announcement -> Annunci
Donors -> Donatori
Suggestion -> Suggerimenti
Who are you ? -> Presentati
or Chi sei?
Join our discord! -> Entra nel nostro Discord!
Advertisement contact -> Contatto sponsorizzazione
Metin2Hub Moderator Applications Opened! -> Candidature Moderatore Metin2Hub aperte!
Questions-Answers -> Domande-Risposte
Guides&HowTo -> Tutorial e Guide
Utility Downloads -> Downloads programmi
Paid Files - Pack - Installation Work -> File a pagamento- Pack - Servizi
Server Advertisement -> Annunci Server
Advertising Services -> Annunci servizi
GM Advertisements -> Annunci GM/STAFF
Design -> Designs
or Grafiche
Latest resources -> Ultime risorse
Latest shop item -> Ultime aggiunte dello shop
Ultimi messaggi nel profilo -> Ultimi messaggi dei profili
ORIGINAL -> All about Metin2, errors, bugs, systems and development. metin2hub game development forum.
TRANSLATION -> Tutto su metin2, errori, bugs, systems e sviluppi. Metin2Hub game development forum.
Usage Forum -> Informazioni
Forum Announcements -> Annunci
Donors -> Donatori
Suggestion -> Suggerimenti
Trade center -> Mercato
Paid Files - Pack - Installation Work -> File a pagamento- Pack - Servizi
Advertising Services -> Annunci servizi
GM Advertisements -> Annunci GM/STAFF
Design -> Designs
or Grafiche
Programs & HowTo -> Programmi e Guide
Guides&HowTo -> Tutorial e Guide
Utility Downloads -> Downloads programmi
Not Answered ( Questions/Answers ) -> Senza risposta or Non risolto
Solved ( Questions/Answers ) -> Risolto
Hizli Ulasim -> Accesso rapido
Tumunu Goster -> Mostra tutto
Weapons -> Armi
Costume -> Costumi
Effects -> Effetti
Sash -> Stole
Armors -> Armature
Monsters -> Mostri
Mounts -> Cavalcature
Others -> Altro
Maps -> Mappe
2D - Icons -> 2D - Icone
Thread's page correction :
Users Who Are Viewing This Thread (Total: 1, Members: 1, Guests: 0) -> Utenti che stanno visualizzando questa discussione (Totali: 1, Membri: 1, Visitatori: 0)
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