Sell SungMahi-Tower
Its written in Lua + C++ and the ManagerWindow in Python!
Its like the offical Dungeon
There are 6/7 Main Floors which roll random.
- Find the correct Stone
- Find the correct Key
- Find the correct Seal
- Find the right chess pair
- Destroy the stone with archers
- Antidote room
At the beginning you start with Area 1
Every Area contains 3 Floors (1 Floor (kill monsters), 2 MainFloor (random room), 3 Floor (kill monsters))
After you completed you enter the next Stage!
There are 6 Elements at every Area (Fire, Ice,...)
You will get also debuffs on every Area which can give you a buff or a nerf like -100 def,...) its all easy setable
Every complete you will get an reward (if you use Mailbox System you receive there, if not you get it to the itemshop storage)
What contains the package?
- Protos (items, monsters)
- Map (client, server), regenfiles
- Quest + libs
- Python (py, icons, locale, gui, etc...) + Source code
Here some previews:
If you're interested in contact me on discord
My discord:
old: JaZoN#7130
new: jazon7130
Its written in Lua + C++ and the ManagerWindow in Python!
Its like the offical Dungeon
There are 6/7 Main Floors which roll random.
- Find the correct Stone
- Find the correct Key
- Find the correct Seal
- Find the right chess pair
- Destroy the stone with archers
- Antidote room
At the beginning you start with Area 1
Every Area contains 3 Floors (1 Floor (kill monsters), 2 MainFloor (random room), 3 Floor (kill monsters))
After you completed you enter the next Stage!
There are 6 Elements at every Area (Fire, Ice,...)
You will get also debuffs on every Area which can give you a buff or a nerf like -100 def,...) its all easy setable
Every complete you will get an reward (if you use Mailbox System you receive there, if not you get it to the itemshop storage)
What contains the package?
- Protos (items, monsters)
- Map (client, server), regenfiles
- Quest + libs
- Python (py, icons, locale, gui, etc...) + Source code
Here some previews:
If you're interested in contact me on discord
My discord:
old: JaZoN#7130
new: jazon7130
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