AD: MetinTwo - Feel the Real Metin Experience! - Coming Soon CLICK FOR PRESENTATION!
Hello everyone!
This is my first topic.
I would like to share with you this SF I made in 2021. Very special and emotional SF for me. Because the first SF I made. The systems in it are old and I want to share because I know I can do better. I will not provide support for this SF. Dropped items and chest contents are adjusted. Please do not share files on other forums.
Images from SF :
FreeBSD 9.2 (32Bit) / MySQL 5.5 / GCC 4.9
GM Account Info
ID : admin
Password : 1
Added Systems
-Anti-EXP Ring [Server side]
-PM button from shout
-Give starting items with source code
-Bosses dont bounce
-C++ Yang Bars
-Multiple Switchers (Green and normal)
-Special Inventory
-Item code below items
-Extended Safebox
-Skill system renewal
-Fast biologist missions
-Fast skill books and soul stone
-Fast status
-Item drop, sell, destroy
-Back to dungeon system
-Skill book names renewal
-Mob Target Information
-Official bonus table
-Average and skill damage orbs
-Automatic item and yang collect
-Automatic shout
-Automatic attack and bravery cape
-In game admin panel [only game masters can use]
-Boss bonus system
-Chest content system
-Unlimited Arrows
-Far from NPC Shops
-Far from trade with players
-New flag icons
-New safebox and itemshop safebox
-New trade screen [24 slots]
-New upgrade screen
There are a few fixes that have been made, but I don't remember their contents.
Virus Scan Results (with Microsoft Defender)
This is my first topic.
I would like to share with you this SF I made in 2021. Very special and emotional SF for me. Because the first SF I made. The systems in it are old and I want to share because I know I can do better. I will not provide support for this SF. Dropped items and chest contents are adjusted. Please do not share files on other forums.
Images from SF :

FreeBSD 9.2 (32Bit) / MySQL 5.5 / GCC 4.9
GM Account Info
ID : admin
Password : 1
Added Systems
-Anti-EXP Ring [Server side]
-PM button from shout
-Give starting items with source code
-Bosses dont bounce
-C++ Yang Bars
-Multiple Switchers (Green and normal)
-Special Inventory
-Item code below items
-Extended Safebox
-Skill system renewal
-Fast biologist missions
-Fast skill books and soul stone
-Fast status
-Item drop, sell, destroy
-Back to dungeon system
-Skill book names renewal
-Mob Target Information
-Official bonus table
-Average and skill damage orbs
-Automatic item and yang collect
-Automatic shout
-Automatic attack and bravery cape
-In game admin panel [only game masters can use]
-Boss bonus system
-Chest content system
-Unlimited Arrows
-Far from NPC Shops
-Far from trade with players
-New flag icons
-New safebox and itemshop safebox
-New trade screen [24 slots]
-New upgrade screen
There are a few fixes that have been made, but I don't remember their contents.
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