metin2 c++

  1. Scrapper

    Dracary Back Dungeon System

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  2. Scrapper

    Owsap Official Soul System

    Hello Bro Sytem Like :) Hidden content
  3. Scrapper

    Global Free Move Cam

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  4. Scrapper

    Hide Skill / Buff Effects System

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  5. Scrapper

    Official Monster Trio Event

    hello my friends Official Monster Trio Event good uses :) Hidden content
  6. Scrapper

    Restart Dialog Timer System

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  7. Scrapper

    Metin2 Game Option Map Filter

    Hello Metin2Hub Game Option Filter System Hidden content
  8. Scrapper

    SCRAPPER SERVER FİLES - Marty 4.6 Great Offline Shop

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    Dear community, Me and my friends started a project a few weeks ago, a new server on Metin, we already have most of the files that we need, sistems, costums, mounts, dungeons, maps etc... We just need to hire somebody to "create" the server, add the files we have and check everything up, and...
  10. Scrapper

    SCRAPPER - Aura System

    Hello, to use this system, you need to use the Acce generation system.:love: Hidden content Hidden content
  11. Scrapper

    Conquerors of Yohara Official Server Level System and Point System Update.

    This is the Level System and Point's for Yohara 1. The maps are empty, in essence it's the system, (without mobs). 2. If you want to add the monsters on the maps you can contact me and, I add the monsters and put your credits, the truth was I was lazy :'(. 3. I can upload updates if you...
  12. Scrapper

    Server Files Moogli2 Global

    Hello my friends, our forum is constantly sharing for you... There are nice plugins in these server files, good use. :) :) Hidden content Hidden content Hidden content
  13. Scrapper

    [SVF + SRC]

    Hello my friends, these server files have nice plugins for you, good use. :) Hidden content
  14. Scrapper

    Owsap Dragon Soul Change Attribute

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  15. OptimistAdam

    VIP DracaryS - Renewal Render Target 1

    Render target has 2 option. Item and mob preview. System has 2 editline for player can search any thing they want. System has move and zoom with mouse algorithm. Mob preview has motion algorithm so player can see any motion with effect.
  16. OptimistAdam

    Announcement 🎁 Christmas VIP Rank Draw 🎁 Metin2Hub

    Hello dear members, Due to the great interest in our forum, I would like to give you a gift and I will draw today. You will get: VIP Rank (7 Days) All you have to do is react to this topic and leave a comments like "I agree" as a comment. This draw will only give VIP rank to 1 members...
  17. OptimistAdam

    Premium ATTENDANCE SYSTEM 1.0.0

    About This File Description Attend the game to collect daily rewards during the ongoing month. If you skip a day then you cannot collect previous rewards and they will be marked with a red slot while collected rewards will be marked with a green slot. This system / event can be enabled with a...
  18. Black

    View Groupmate Level

    Lets you see your friends' levels while in the group Hidden content
  19. Black

    Guild War System

    Good Use Metin2Hub Family :) Hidden content
  20. Black

    TipBoard #Lag Fix

    🚩It is the solution of the error that the game login announcements cast the screen at the first opening of the servers. 🚩Sunucuların ilk açılışında oyuna giriş duyurularının ekranı kastırdığı hatanın çözümüdür. Hidden content Hidden content